Episode 3 in the dramatic seventh season of Showtime television series Dexter begins with Wayne Randall’s (convicted murderer that committed suicide) mother bringing in extra...
staffOctober 23, 2012As the second episode of Dexter begins, we see Dexter Morgan taking responsibility and ownership of his murderous and serial killer tendencies. He confesses to his sister Debra...
staffOctober 22, 2012In the gripping season opener for the hit Showtime television series Dexter many old relationships surface as new relationships take form. At the...
staffOctober 22, 2012Boardwalk Empire is easily one of the best shows on television, but last nights episode was extremely slow. The episode, titled Ging Gang...
staffOctober 22, 2012Things are starting to heat up on this season of Boardwalk Empire. As always, this recap is going to have lots and lots...
staffOctober 8, 2012The Nielson ratings are in and its looking like it will be a great season for television network CBS. Of the top 20...
staffOctober 2, 2012David Nolan David Nolan aka Prince charming is a main character on ABC’s hit television show Once upon A Time, and is portrayed...
staffSeptember 29, 2012Mr. Gold aka Rumpelstiltskin Mr. Gold is a very important character on ABC’s hit television show Once Upon A Time. He bounces between good...
staffSeptember 29, 2012Regina Mills Regina Mills is the adoptive mother of Henry Mills and antagonist (The Evil Queen) in the hit television series Once Upon...
staffSeptember 29, 2012Angel Batista Angel Batista is one of the investigators and detectives assigned to many cases at Miami Metro Police Department on the hit...
staffSeptember 29, 2012Phasellus tellus tellus, imperdiet ut imperdiet eu, iaculis a sem Donec vehicula luctus nunc in laoreet