In episode #5 “The Doctor” of Once Upon A Time the main action revolves around The Evil Queen Aka Regina whom desires to...
staffOctober 29, 2012It’s a boy! Hawaii Five-O actor Alex O’Loughlin confirmed today that his girlfriend, surfer turned model Malia Jones, has given birth to their...
staffOctober 27, 201230 years after Arnold Schwarzenegger swung his sword into the hearts of moviegoers across the country, the Austrian born actor, now 65, is...
staffOctober 27, 2012The notoriously late rock star was right on time for his appearance on Jimmy Kimmel Live last night to give his first live...
staffOctober 25, 2012In one of the weirdest twists yet in the testimony of manger Sam Lutfi, it appears that Courtney Love, former lead singer for...
staffOctober 25, 2012Cute cuddly Sammy and the City is still at it! You may remember Sammy and the City from many posts we featured...
staffOctober 25, 2012Sam Lutfi, former manager for Miss Britney Spears took the stand again yesterday to explain to the court why the singer famously shaved...
staffOctober 24, 2012Bobby Brown was arrested early Wednesday morning for failing to pass a field sobriety test, making this the second DUI charge in only...
staffOctober 24, 2012When a group of sleeping puppies notice that mommy and daddy are finally home they get super excited, but then they notice that...
staffOctober 23, 2012After the Avengers movie my inner nerd was in heaven. Captain America, Hulk, Iron Man, Nick Fury, and Hawk all together on the same screen...
staffOctober 23, 2012Phasellus tellus tellus, imperdiet ut imperdiet eu, iaculis a sem Donec vehicula luctus nunc in laoreet