Olympic swimmer Ryan Lochte has signed on with E! for a new six-episode reality television series that will be airing in April. The...
staffJanuary 8, 2013Rumors have been circulating for weeks but now its official: Jeff Zucker has been officially named as the president of CNN. Zucker, who...
staffNovember 30, 2012This weeks dramatic episode of the hit television series Once Upon A Time is titled Child of The Moon. The title is derived...
staffNovember 12, 2012Michael J. Fox retired from television almost a decade ago to focus on fighting his Parkinson’s disease but thanks to a new drug...
staffAugust 16, 2012Keri Russel, former Mouskateer and star of the hit drama Felicity, is returning to television ona new Fox series called The Americans. Joining...
staffAugust 9, 2012Phasellus tellus tellus, imperdiet ut imperdiet eu, iaculis a sem Donec vehicula luctus nunc in laoreet