David Nolan
David Nolan aka Prince charming is a main character on ABC’s hit television show Once upon A Time, and is portrayed by actor Joshua Dallas. He is madly in love with fellow Storybrooke resident Mary Margaret, but Regina (The Evil Queen) has other plans for these two!
Source: ABC
Storybrooke Bio
Having been in a coma for as long as anyone can remember, David Nolan awoke with no name and no identity. Seemingly stirred to life by Mary Margaret reading him a story out of Henry’s Fairy Tale book, David was found wandering the woods. Upon being returned to the hospital, he was reintroduced to his wife, Kathryn, whom he had been estranged from just before his disappearance. He and Kathryn have been trying to work out the problems in their marriage, but David can’t help but feel drawn to Mary Margaret.