Nicki Minaj covers Teen Vogue with her quirky twist on girly couture. On the cover, she rocks a pink and blue tutu and...
Nicki Minaj has had enough. Last night on American Idol, during an audition in North Carolina, the rapper stormed off the set. American...
Nicki Minaj sat down with Jay Leno on The Tonight Show to once again explain that the feud between her and fellow American...
The cast of Fox’s ‘American Idol’ took the stage for a Q&A with the Winter TV Press Tour and finally addressed the drama...
It appears that there is no love lost between former American Idol judge Steven Tyler and one of his replacements, Nicki Minaj as...
All’s fair in love and reality television. This week the hottest story in the entertainment world has been the huge blow up between...
According to celebrity rag Us Weekly another big name star may be signing up to join top talent search show American Idol. The...
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