The fifth installment of “Die Hard” had to battle it out against “Identity Theft” for the top spot at the box office. Bruce...
staffFebruary 19, 2013A Romanian film titled Child’s Pose has won the top prize at the Berlin Film Festival. The film centers around a woman’s race...
staffFebruary 18, 2013Action star Bruce Willis new Die Hard sequel A Good Day to Die Hard debuted at number one with $25 million taken in from Friday...
staffFebruary 18, 2013The Berlin Film Festival started with bang on Thursday thanks to “The Grandmaster” martial arts movie, which tells the story of Yip...
staffFebruary 7, 2013In a recent Facebook post, it has been confirmed that production for “The Amazing Spider Man 2” has begun. Sony announced on Tuesday...
staffFebruary 6, 2013“Warm Bodies,” the zombie film that’s putting a new spin on the genre, has opened to strong numbers, pulling in $20.4 million on...
staffFebruary 5, 2013Super Bowl Sunday was a great time not only because of the big game and Beyonce’s halftime show, but for the amazing film...
staffFebruary 4, 2013Johnny Depp is headed back to the big screen. Depp has been cast as the infamous gangster Whitey Bulger in the upcoming film...
staffFebruary 4, 2013With so many eyeballs watching the big game this weekend, more and more people are tuning in just to see the commercials. So...
staffFebruary 1, 2013HBO has officially green lighted the Entourage movie and executive producer Mark Wahlberg is excited to get things rolling. “We always felt like...
staffFebruary 1, 2013Phasellus tellus tellus, imperdiet ut imperdiet eu, iaculis a sem Donec vehicula luctus nunc in laoreet