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DexterSeason 7TV

Dexter (Showtime) Season 7 Episode 4 “Run” RECAP

The drama continues in episode 4 of Dexter Season 7 titled “Run”.  Debra Morgan is still trying to rationalize and come to grips...

DexterSeason 7TV

Dexter (Showtime) Season 7 Episode 3 “Buck the System” RECAP

Episode 3 in the dramatic seventh season of Showtime television series Dexter begins with Wayne Randall’s (convicted murderer that committed suicide) mother bringing in extra...

CastOnce Upon A TimeTV

Henry Mills – Once Upon A Time Cast

Henry Mills Henry Mills, who is played by actor Jared Gilmore is an energetic and monumental force in Once Upon A Time and Storybrooke. In...


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